
Password Cracker download the new version for android
Password Cracker download the new version for android

Password Cracker download the new version for android

Unlock an Android phone (or device) by bruteforcing the lockscreen PIN. πŸ”“ πŸ“± Android-PIN-Bruteforce πŸ“± How it works You will need 🌟 Benefits ⭐ Features Installation Executing the script Usage Supported Android Phones/Devices 🎳 PIN Lists Cracking PINs of different lengths Where did the optimised PIN lists come from? The 4 digit PIN list Cracking with Masks πŸ“± Configuration for different phones Popups Test sending keys from the NetHunter phone Test sending keys from the terminal Test sending keys from an app How to send special keys Customising the Progressive Cooldown Why can't you use a laptop, or is a Windows or Linux version coming soon? How Android emulates a keyboard πŸ”§ Troubleshooting If it is not bruteforcing PINs Check the orientation of the cables Check it is emulating a keyboard Try restarting the phones Try new cables If it doesn't unlock the phone with a correct PIN πŸ”‹ Managing Power Consumption Check the Diagnostics Report How the usb-devices command works Use verbose output Use the dry-run HID USB Mode πŸ’£ Known Issues πŸš€ Roadmap πŸ™‹ Contributing 😎 Authors and acknowledgment Motivation Credit Graphics πŸ—Ώ Comparison with other projects and methods to unlock a locked Android phone What makes this project unique? 😭 Regular phone users πŸ€– Users who have already replaced their Android ROM πŸ”¬ Forensic Investigators πŸ•΅ Security Professionals and Technical Phone Users πŸ“š Related Projects & Futher Reading USB HID Hardware without NetHunter NetHunter HID keyboard attacks Linux Kernel HID support Cracking Android PIN and Pattern files General Recovery Methods Forensic Methods and Hardware PIN Analysis README.md

Password Cracker download the new version for android